It is the middle of the semester. You are trying to enjoy homecoming and parties with your friends, right? Are you celebrating a victory of overcoming extremely hard midterms? Or, are you trying to forget and suppress your failure in the middle of the semester?
Everyone has that one teacher, you know, that really grinds your gears. You know… the one that assigns an extremely hard midterm that creates stress beyond measures. But, you excel and passed the test anyway or maybe you don’t. You might even consider dropping the class because you just know there is no way you can pass this class and keep your scholarship. Guess what… you are not alone. There are many more of your peers who have experienced the things you are experiencing and who are going through the same things that you are.
I am writing this to tell you not to give up. Do not lose sight of what you originally set out to complete. Keep your heart and mind. You are extraordinary. Everything you are going through is for a reason. This is a storm that will pass and it will be added onto all the other storms you thought you wouldn’t overcome, but you did.
There is hope in not giving up. You are a blessing. You are an example. You are at the exact place and at the exact moment you are supposed to be. Uplift yourself. Encourage yourself. Restore yourself. Speak life-affirming words. And if you aren’t stuck, uplift someone else. This semester will not get you. Trust me, you can do it. Believe in yourself.
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”
-Booker T. Washington