In our generation, art is considered indescribable. In Kanye West opinion, he believes that his version of art is unique. We all know Kanye West: a controversial rapper, who is known for his innovative ideas and expressed his opinions in a very prideful way. Recently, West directed and produced a video called “Famous”, which is basically an art sculpture filled with very famous celebrities include himself, Kim Kardashian, Ray J, Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Chris Brown, Ann Wintor, George Bush, Amber Rose,Rihanna and Bill Cosby. These celebrities were seeing lying on a bed naked sleeping.
This video has pulled controversy towards the music industry. The “famous” rapper, made this video to show how these celebrities made an impact on today’s society. Politically and artistically, West was trying to deliver a message. The message is how these celebrities impact fame whether they are good or bad. However not everybody was into this statement, others can have an opposite view saying that the video is too disturbing. Art is defined to deliver originality. Art is created for attention, so that’s what I believe West is going for.
West’s art exhibit would certainly attract the public eye because it’s something original and far from expected. If that’s what art is today, then why ridicule it? West was criticized from a well known singer Taylor Swift because she felt some his famous lyrics were derogatory and disrespectful. Some people can agree with Swift that the art is disturbing. Others can look at his sculpture as a masterpiece.
Is the artwork considered an original, or is it just unnatural? Like West’s song title, these celebrities are famous and they are talked about everyday. At the end of the day it is West’s point of view. How can an artists attack people if they include themselves in the sculpture? Whether the piece is good or bad, West is still his art gallery in show business.