Take by Tuskegee University
This year was the first since the ending of the Linking Academic Success to Engagement and Resilience (L.A.S.E.R) week program here a Tuskegee University. Originally known as the Orientation to Academic Success using Innovative Strategies (OASIS) program from its inception, now New Student Orientation (NSO) week is designated for incoming freshmen and transfer students to provide a well-guided transition into their collegiate careers as new members of the gold tiger family. Many alumni, currents students, and faculty, have expressed fond memories and the necessity of the program, and this year was no different.
After the retirement of long time program head, Dr. Joyce Rhoden in fall 2014, there had not been a permanent head of the program until the appointment of Ms. Sherry King in 2016. With an allotment of five days, the class of 2020 had limited time to get acclimated to their new environment; however, this short period was packed with helpful information about the university, networking, and fun activities preparing the students for a successful tenure at Tuskegee University.