In February of 2022, Tuskegee University hosted a plethora of events during Black History Month. Black History Month serves as a means of highlighting events of the past, events that have paved the way for the present. However, Black History Month also serves to remind us that the actions we currently take will pave the way for the future. Tuskegee University wrapped up Black History Month with a panel including the deans from each college on campus. This panel was an opportunity for each dean to showcase their respective colleges as well as the work being done for the years […]
How Tuskegee University’s Researchers are Diversifying the Field of Genetics: Introducing Isra Elhussin and Jason White
For decades, the Black community has been underrepresented and ignored in the medical field. There are historical precedents, such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (conducted by the United States Public Health Service), that have contributed to the fear (among the Black community) of receiving treatment from those meant to protect them. Additionally, much of the medical treatment available has been curated using the medical data of the majority (white) population, which diminishes benefits of personalized medical approaches on the Black community. This is cause for alarm, considering that cancer is a leading cause of death in the Black community. Thus, […]
Dr. Karanam: The Man Who Chose to Fight Cancer for Others
When it comes to the history of medical research, Tuskegee’s name is often associated with the infamous Tuskegee Experiment (Syphilis Study). Today, by contrast, Tuskegee University is taking the lead in using medical research to serve the African American community. World-class scientists and researchers are furthering research that targets to improve the health and well-being of minority populations. In a series of stories, we intend to feature the work of our scientists. In the present story, we introduce Professor Balasubramanyam karanam, a leading scientist who studies common cancers in the black community and targets to develop drugs for them. Professor, […]
Not a Cultural Deficit: Why Student Participation Has Dropped So Heavily at TU
Aside from the massive academic benefits and sense of history, culture is one of the main draws for most students when coming to the illustrious Tuskegee University: The chants, keying people, homecoming, and a plethora of other traditions that make Tuskegee what it is. But this school year, there seems to be an astounding lack of participation and appreciation for culture and tradition, especially from the underclassmen. Whether it be not knowing the chants, not coming to Student Government Association (SGA) events, not filling the shed, not dressing for Fried Chicken Wednesday, or just a general sense of unenthusiasm, there […]
Least Likely to Teach: Student Overcomes Disability, Pursues Career in Teaching
Valencia Winston was the daughter of two educators, but was not the expected straight-A student. She hated school due to her challenges from a learning disorder known as dyslexia. According to Child Mind Institute’s Understanding Dyslexia and How to Help Kids Who Have It, “Dyslexia is a disability where one’s brain has trouble processing both letters and words.” While Dyslexia is not a reflection of a person’s intelligence level, this has led dyslexia to become widely associated with difficulty learning to read, write and spell. Despite these odds, Winston overcame her disability and ended up with a successful career in […]
‘Zoom Fatigue’ Is A Real Thing — Here’s What We Can Do About It
Since the COVID-19 Pandemic hit last year and forced all learning to go online, Zoom video conferencing has become an extremely convenient tool. It is utilized for virtual happy hours, virtual birthday parties, and even virtual funerals. On top of utilizing Zoom for our social lives, we attend a day full of class in the same spot for hours while staring at a computer screen. As we currently undergo our third e-learning semester, students are burning out faster than usual. Whether we would like to admit it or not, researchers believe a main cause of burnout and stress among students […]
Keeping it Clean and Sane
College is great time for students, but sometimes amid classes, homework, extracurricular activities and maintaining a social life; students sometimes forget to maintain their mental and sexual health. Although some students think they do not need to worry about their health, educating yourself and developing healthy habits now will be a critical part of being a successful college student. Here are some tips on staying STD-free and mentally healthy in college. When having conversations about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), many students are not aware of the dangers of STDs. Many students are also not aware that one in five […]
Why Thanksgiving is Famous for the Food Coma First, comes the “beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, lamb, rams, hogs, dogs, chicken, turkeys, rabbits… you name it”; then, comes a slumber. We can thank the centerpiece of the feast for that, whether it is deep-fried, stuffed, or roasted with veggies. The turkey, a native-American bird, contains a sleep-inducing amino acid called tryptophan. Though it is 1 of 22 amino acids humans need to survive, it is not produced by the body alone and instead, must be ingested via fish or poultries. It does not end there. Dairy products, fruits, breads, beans, starchy potatoes, and sugary desserts are all […]
Go Pee! People have a tendency to hold onto things that aren’t necessarily good for them. Urine happens to be one. Surely, I’m not the only one who has sprinted to the bathroom. Other than inconveniencing yourself, your bladder’s health could be at risk. Making a habit of ignoring nature’s call can eventually lead to something called urinary retention, a real pain in the renal system. It is characterized by the inability to urinate while feeling like your bladder will erupt. It is one of the signs of urinary tract infections (UTIs) or bladder infections or worse cases, sexually transmitted infections […]
So, What Is ZIKA?
Like it’s predecessors—Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Influenza, and the Ebola Outbreak of 2014—the ZIKA virus has joined a host of diseases and outbreaks that has put the world on its toes and sparked a sense of unrest. To date, the virus has been linked to instances of microcephaly in newborns born to mothers infected with the ZIKA virus. The World Health Organization, as well as the Center for Disease Control, have addressed the disease’s capability to cause arthritic-like pain in the ankles, hands, feet, hips, and shoulders; as well as, fever, eye problems, premature birth, and neurological complications in newborns. […]